above: US Chess Fed. Secretary Hoffpauir with IM Oladapo Adu, 1995 Nigerian National Champion, winning the 2022 Fredericksburg Open. He's been on a tear recently, competing across Africa and the U.S. in pursuit of his next title: Grandmaster! Adu and I have different styles of teaching, so perhaps students would benefit from the hybrid approach.
International Master Oladapo "Dapsay" Adu and I will be teaching classes one again throughout the summer of 2024 -- for both youth and one class for adults. We have taught together quite a bit, including for a Colombian team and with Chess Girls DC. We will kind of tag-team, sometimes teaching together and sometimes taking turns. We're expecting between 4-8 students per class and to hold them weekday mornings and evenings (this may be adjusted based on your preferred schedules). It's very ad hoc, so just drop in when you can and pay per class; one hour of interactive instruction followed by practice games with their peers. Showing up for part of the class is fine and you can adjust payment accordingly. Tentative start times are 9am and 7pm weekdays (though earlier may be possible).
Please sign up below and we will send you more information. It is $30 per class if you attend 3 or more classes that given week as well as for our regular students, and $40/class for all others — but if you could use a scholarship, just let us know and we'll figure something out.
These are intensive classes designed for serious chess players who really want to take their game to the next level. We'll do in-depth analysis of must-know grandmaster games and students' sparring (or tournament) games, solve complex puzzles, and spar with each other(coaches, students, and maybe others online). Students don't need to have a certain rating, but they should be well familiar with the game, possibly having played in at least one tournament or having interest in doing so. So long as the student is focused and eager to learn with a group of wonderful peers who are passionate about the "Royal Game," that's what matters.
We look forward to learning with you soon and, we hope, to elevate your game to the next level heading into the fall and beyond!